Reflections on Living Life

Living Life...Moment by Moment

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


" I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow."
 Isaiah 48:17

Prepare the way my Lord! I wish that the path was always so clear...but then if it was, we wouldn't have to learn to trust Him so much would we? Where would our faith be? He does prepare the way and as the verse in Isaiah says, "He leads you along the path you should follow". He has prepared everything for us...even before He created the world.

Beth Moore started her evening off with a few main points. The first main point was that "God has a gorgeous preoccupation with preparation". As I have processed this statement, I have come to realize that the key to this first point is the word GORGEOUS! The word means "brilliant or magnificent". He has a magnificent preoccupation with preparation!He is absolutely brilliant!! Look at our world around us...there was a HUGE amount of planning and preparation that went into the creation of all of it. Take a look at everything He created. Everything has such detail and purpose! Everything works so well together. He had to prepare each little detail that surrounds us so that we could have a life here on Earth!

He prepared the sacrificial lamb for us before He even created the world! Could you imagine the conversation He had with Jesus?  He knew Jesus would have to die in place of our own sins! His love is so amazing! He prepared our works before He even created us (Ephesians 2:10). He knows the plans He has for each one of us!  Isaiah 45:18 says "He created the Heavens and the Earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos". He even  continues today as He prepares a place for us in Heaven. He is a God who is PREOCCUPIED with PREPARATION!!

Her second statement: "The first setting of PREPARE in the Bible is the TABLE."

God wanted to participate in mealtime with His children. He desires to have communion with us- a time of sitting at the table enjoying each others company and having discussions with us! She began by telling us that 12 out of the first 15 times where "prepare" is mentioned in the Bible is in the context of a meal. Picture yourself invited to a house of someone you dearly love and them preparing a wonderful meal for you. They invited you. They took time to prepare your favorite foods. The aroma in the house is pleasing to your senses. The sense of warmth, love, and comfort fill your heart as you enter into fellowship with your friend. This is what the Lord is doing for us! In the old testament He required  a sacrifice to be brought to Him. An offering was to be made...why? People could offer an animal to God for a substitute for their own lives. It was for salvation!  However, many times people would offer their sacrifice and forget the significance of it. In Psalm 50, the Lord was making a strong point to his people that he didn't need the choice goats or the bulls from their barns...all of that was His anyways! He wanted their hearts! He wanted fellowship and thankfulness! Psalm 50:14 states "Make thankfulness your sacrifice to the Lord"! This really hit me hard...the Lord wants FELLOWSHIP and THANKFULNESS! He has prepared a table for us! Can you hear Him now saying, "Please, come dine with me! The table is set just for you and me!"

He is waiting....will you come and dine with Him? be continued

1 comment:

  1. oooohhhhh. I just thought of all the times I've grumbled and complained about preparing a meal each evening - knowing the kids wouldn't like something I've made, or the recipe wouldn't turn out as I intended. But I'm always grateful when we finally sit down together and can talk about our day. I never thought of it in God's terms!
